Wednesday, 05 February, 2025


Effects of Yoga on Mental and Physical Health

Yoga in the wild

Yoga can benefit your mental health in many ways and is often recommended by doctors to help calm the body, mind and help you to learn to relax your body.

Ways yoga can benefit your mental health

It can move your sympathetic nervous system over to your parasympathetic system

Switching over from the sympathetic system to your parasympathetic system means you are in a more relaxed state as you enter; therefore, your anxiety is significantly reduced. Once you have started breathing deeply, your body slows down out of the fight or flight system and will calm your nervous system down.

Builds up your sense of self

By doing yoga, you are getting to know yourself and experience a more non-judgemental relationship with yourself. You are now building self-trust. You will find you are eating healthier and exercising more because you are currently in connection with your mind, which is telling you to do this. At the end of it all, it comes down to the relationship that you have with yourself. When you become more confident and more rooted in your sense of self-worth, you will develop a balanced, healthy ego, where you have nothing to hide or prove.

Improvement for your romantic relationship

When you are at peace with yourself, you will find you’re the same way with your partner. You will be more compassionate and have unconditional love. You become less reactive; you will understand that snapping and yelling at your partner is not a wise choice.

Yoga asana

Helps to deal with family behaviour origin issues

We are born into our family; we cannot change it. It starts with taking control of your actions and to stop the blaming game. You are the only one that can control your behaviour and actions. Other people will then become forced to act in a different way, similar to the way you are behaving. Your mind will be calmer; therefore, you will learn to be more accepting to those around you.

What are the benefits of yoga?

  • Physical stamina and mental endurance get tested through the holding postures for your extended breaths
  • Yoga teaches mindful breathing, deep self-awareness, meditation and a connection to our inner self, which all of them help promote mental wellbeing.
  • It increases strength, endurance and flexibility
  • Yoga improves muscular and joint flexibility, which is vital for the body’s overall health. Enhanced muscle and joint suppleness, which translates to the higher range of motion, in turn, decreases your chances of suffering an overuse injury, which can lead to depression.
  • With the right mineral supplements, such as magnesium bath salts or vitamin tablets, your yoga session daily can help boost immunity and help enhance your ability to work more without fatigue in a day.

There are many forms of yoga, all of which are deemed as safe, although they may not be appropriate for everyone. Those with mobility problems or the elderly should check with a doctor first before undertaking any yoga.
For many suffering from stress-related problems, anxiety and depression, yoga can be an exciting way to help manage the symptoms. The scientific study of doing yoga show that physical and mental health are closely allied and are substantially equivalent. Yoga is relatively low-risk and has a high yielding approach to improving your overall health and helps induce better sleep which can also be enhanced with a sleep spray, healthy for the body and mind.

If you are suffering from a mental problem, you may prefer to do yoga alone in the privacy of your own home, or it can be done within a group of friends if you prefer not to be alone.